Beagle (C++ game framework)

Beagle is a C++ game framework for quickly starting game projects. It is using SDL 2.x for windowing, OpenGL 3.3 for rendering and GLM for math

Beagle on GitHub


Beagle projects

Some games I'm working on!

Lizzi Crossing

This is the improved version of the puzzle game I made back in 2020 using Unity. Deduce tiles with mines using the board's hints styled after nonograms and Minesweeper

The Beagle version has a new roguelike mode, and a validator to prove a generated board can be solved without guessing by moving and using the available nonogram and minesweeper hints

FPS game

Worked on a retro first-person game for a few months! It helped a lot with developing the engine's features. Currently development is on pause for Lizzi Crossing